In certain situations, you may need to remove recipients from a live campaign order. Please note that you can only remove recipients who have not yet redeemed their points.
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to successfully remove recipients from an active campaign order.
Accessing the Campaign Order
Log in to Your Account
- Open your web browser and go to
- Log in using your credentials.
Navigate to Campaigns
- After logging in, click on the "Sender" tab, and then select "Campaigns."
- Locate the campaign from which you wish to remove recipients and click on it.
- Click on "VIEW ORDER." on the order you wish to update.
Removing Recipients
Filter Non-Redeemed Recipients
- On the order's dashboard, click on the "NOT REDEEMED" tab to view the list of recipients who have not yet redeemed their points.
Remove Recipients
Single Recipient:
- Click on the "REMOVE" link next to their email address.
Multiple Recipients:
- Select the checkboxes next to their email addresses and then click on the "REMOVE SELECTED" button.
Confirm Removal
- A pop-up message will appear stating "Points that you sent to these recipients will be returned to your Stadium Points balance". Click "YES, REMOVE" to confirm the removal of the selected recipients.
- You will then receive a confirmation message indicating that the selected recipients have been successfully removed from the live campaign order.
Access the Campaigns feature with our paid Stadium Packages.
Visit our Pricing page to explore the details of each package and choose the one that best suits your needs.
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