Zapier is the platform Stadium uses to support integrations with over 2000+ applications. To confirm the feasibility of your desired integration, you should check to verify if your desired application is available.
Setting up a Zapier-connected integration with Stadium is straightforward. You'll need either an Engagement Suite Package (previously known as Team Package) or a Business Package (previously known as Enterprise Package) and a Zapier account. You can easily sign up with one click as you configure your integration (called Zaps). Zapier is free for all users up to a certain amount of usage.
If your desired application is not supported by Zapier, please fill out this form describing your desired integration or inform your onboarding specialist! We will save this record to our files, as well as any points of contact you can list from that partner application to discuss a native integration.
Access the Integrations feature with our paid Stadium Packages.
Visit our Pricing Page to check out the inclusions of each package and choose the one that best suits your needs.
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