When setting the price for the swag in your Stadium locker, it's essential to adhere to our pricing guidelines to ensure seamless fulfillment and shipping.
Pricing Guidelines
Minimum Price: Each item must be listed at a minimum of $13.
- This amount covers our standard single-item fulfillment fee for items shipped from our Long Island City, NY warehouse.
- This amount covers our standard single-item fulfillment fee for items shipped from our Long Island City, NY warehouse.
- Bulk Shipping Fee: For sending up to 10 items, the fee is $20 per box.
Additional Information
Ensuring your items are priced correctly helps us maintain efficient operations and guarantees timely delivery to your recipients.
Ready to Ship Your Swag?
Click here for more information about adding swag to your Shop and getting started with shipping!
By following these guidelines, you can ensure your swag items are priced appropriately for seamless shipping and fulfillment.
Access the Stadium Swag Locker feature with our paid Stadium Packages.
Visit our Pricing Page to check out the inclusions of each package and choose the one that best suits your needs.
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