Creating a Stadium shop is very easy! With our pre-curated templates and fully customizable features, you will be able to bring your vision to life. You can either design your shop or use a pre-curated shop template for the occasion.
This article includes subsections:
- Create a Shop Using Pre-Curated Shop Templates
- Building-Your-Own Shop
- Automated Swag Collections
- Editing Your Swag Collection's Logo
- Customize your Shop
- Editing Your Shop's Logo
- Editing Your Shop's Top Banner
- Managing Categories in Your Catalog
Here is the step-by-step guide to creating your shop:
To get your shop creation off to a great start!
- Login to your Stadium Account
- Decide whether you want to design your shop or use our pre-curated shop templates.
- If you wish to create a Priceless Shop you may follow the specific article guide ✨How to Create a Priceless Shop
Create a Shop Using Pre-Curated Shop Templates
Pre-curated Shop Templates are perfect for events such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, employee recognition, and many more! This is an excellent way to create a shop without worrying about the design of your shop banners. Each template also comes with a curated category designed for a specific occasion.
Access Shop Templates
Navigate to the Shops Page
Expand the Sidebar Menu (if collapsed)
- Click on the left-facing arrow ( ˂ ) at the top-left corner of the sidebar to expand the navigation menu.
(If the menu is already expanded, you can skip this step.)
- Click on the left-facing arrow ( ˂ ) at the top-left corner of the sidebar to expand the navigation menu.
Navigate to Shops
- In the sidebar menu, locate and click on "Shops" to access your shop's page.
Getting Started in Choosing a Template
- From the Shops dashboard, click on the BROWSE TEMPLATES button found in the top right corner.
Choose a Template
- Browse through our template gallery and find the perfect template for you.
- You can filter via category,
- OR search directly using the search bar.
- Once you find the template, click on "PREVIEW TEMPLATE" to see how it will look in your shop.
Explore the template
- Scroll down on the demo page to see the full design of the pre-designed banners.
- There will also be a customized Merch catalog according to the theme.
- You can choose to switch from USD to Points to see how the prices look on the preview by toggling on the Points and USD buttons.
- If you want to explore other templates, at the bottom of the page, you have the ability to go back to the template gallery by clicking "BACK TO TEMPLATES
Start Creating Your Pre-Designed Shop
- If you are satisfied with the chosen template, click "USE TEMPLATE" to proceed.
Enter Shop Details
- Enter the shop name, choose a currency, and then click NEXT to proceed
Add Your Logo
- You can upload your company's logo by searching the company URL, uploading from your device, or using a previously uploaded logo in your account.
- Once done, click on "I am authorized to use this logo" and then click the "GENERATE ASSETS" button to proceed.
- If you don't have a logo to upload, you can click on "SKIP FOR NOW."
Build-Your-Own Shop
If you want to design the banners of your shop there are two access points to Build-Your-Own Shop
#1 Access through the Template Gallery
- If you are on the Templates Gallery, just click on the BUILD MY OWN buttons available on the page.
#2 Access through the "Shops" page
Navigate to the Shops Page
Expand the Sidebar Menu (if collapsed)
- Click on the left-facing arrow ( ˂ ) at the top-left corner of the sidebar to expand the navigation menu.
(If the menu is already expanded, you can skip this step.)
- Click on the left-facing arrow ( ˂ ) at the top-left corner of the sidebar to expand the navigation menu.
Navigate to Shops
- In the sidebar menu, locate and click on "Shops" to access your shop's page.
Getting Started in Creating A Build-Your-Own Shop
- From the Shops dashboard, click on the CREATE SHOP button found in the top right corner.
Enter Shop Details
- You will then be directed to the next page, where you have to enter the shop details.
- Enter the shop name, then choose a currency. Then click NEXT button to proceed.
Add your Logo
- Upload your company's logo by searching the company URL, uploading from your device, or using a previously uploaded logo in your account.
- Click on "I am authorized to use this logo" and then click the "GENERATE ASSETS" button to proceed.
- If you don't have a logo to upload you can click on "SKIP FOR NOW"
Automated Swag Collections
- Uploading a logo will generate automated swag collections for your shop.
- If you have not uploaded a logo and chose "SKIP FOR NOW" on the previous page, the system will not generate an automated swag collection for you. However, you will still have the ability to create one by clicking the ADD LOGO button at the bottom of the page.
- If you wish to apply the logo to your Swag collections only just click on "I am authorized to use this logo*" and then click SAVE.
- If you want to apply the logo to the Shop's logo, Top Banner's logo, and your Swag collections logo, click both the checkboxes for "I am authorized to use this logo" and the check box for the "Replace logo on all shop assets" button and then click SAVE.
Add Automated Swag Collection To Your Catalog
- The automated swag collections are not automatically added to your catalog. To add them, click the check box right next to "Add to my swag collections"
Edit your Swag Collection's Logo
- You can also make changes to the swag's logo if necessary by clicking the pencil icon located on the upper right of the swag collection.
Customize your Shop
After uploading the logo for your shop you will have the ability to customize the banners, categories, swag logo, and shop logo whether you choose to use a Pre Curated Shop Template or to Build Your Own Shop
Edit your Shop's Logo
- To edit the shop's logo, just click on the pencil icon located on the left side of your logo.
- If you wish to apply the logo to your Shop only - just click on "I am authorized to use this logo*"and then click SAVE.
- If you want to apply the logo to the Shop's logo, Top Banner's logo, and your Swag collections logo, click both the checkboxes for "I am authorized to use this logo*" and the check box for the "Replace logo on all shop assets" button and then click SAVE.
Edit Your Shop's Top Banner
- To edit the Top Banner, click on the pencil icon located in the upper corner of the banner.
- You have the ability to customize the appearance of your shop banner by adjusting the banner background color, and logo background, adding text, and more.
- For detailed instructions on how to customize your banner, please refer to this article: ✨CUSTOMIZE YOUR SHOP'S TOP BANNER
- For detailed instructions on how to customize your banner, please refer to this article: ✨CUSTOMIZE YOUR SHOP'S TOP BANNER
- If you have a pre-designed banner you can upload one from your device or you may use the pre-designed Top Banners from Stadium Library just like in the example below.
- For detailed instructions on how to customize your banner during the shop creation process, please refer to this article: ✨How to Edit the Logo in Your Shop's Banner and Automated Swag Collection During Shop Creation
- For detailed instructions on how to customize your banner during the shop creation process, please refer to this article: ✨How to Edit the Logo in Your Shop's Banner and Automated Swag Collection During Shop Creation
Please note that using a pre-designed Top Banner from Stadium's Library only applies to the Top Banner. If you created a shop via Shop templates, the mid banner, bottom banner, banner messages, and themed swag collections will remain the same based on the original template.
Managing and Customizing Categories in Your Catalog
- You can customize the categories from your shop's catalog by selecting or deselecting the category options.
- You can also browse the products for each category first before disabling or enabling them.
- To go back to the main page just click on your shop's logo.
- For complete catalog customization once your shop is live you can follow the instructions in this article ✨Editing Shop's Catalog
Publish Your Shop
- Once done review the Shop's logo, banner, categories, and automated swag items in your shop. If all looks good click on the " SAVE & PUBLISH" button.
- Once your shop is published you will be re-directed to your shop's dashboard where you can make more changes to the shop's catalog, send gift orders, edit the layout, and check your shop's sales report.
Congratulations! You've successfully created your shop.
Ready to send points or shop credits to your recipients? Follow the guide HERE.
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